Transfer Pricing
The approach is based on the analysis and study of Transfer Pricing carried out by our specialists who provide our clients and the tax authorities with a reliable tool to determine and/or confirm that the amounts or ranges in which operations between related parties must be carried out, are at market value.
- Preparation of Transfer Pricing studies in accordance with OCDE guidelines and applicable federal laws, for operations with foreign and national related parties.
- Processing of Advance Price Agreements (APA).
- Advice on the preparation of contracts between related parties.
- Advice on the submission of the BEPS formats (Master File, Local File and Country by country).
- Adaptation to the requirements of national legislation, of studies carried out abroad.
- Preparation of the informative declaration of operations with related parties abroad.
- Advice on filling out the informative declaration of Transfer Pricing.
- Valuation of intangibles (brands) and other goods (shares, assets).
- Technical defense of the Transfer Pricing studies carried out by our specialized area, response to the requirements issued by the authority and, in general, attention to any request for information or documentation made by the SAT.
- Advice, processing, and monitoring of tax disputes, as well as support and legal defense in audits and reviews by the authority.
- Analysis and financial diagnosis that allows us to carry out actions to optimize the economic and financial structure of your business.
- Expert in Transfer Pricing.