Accounting services and outsourcing of administrative processes
Kreston is a specialist in providing high-level accounting processing services. We process under the guidelines of the Mexican Financial Reporting Standards, or we adapt to those that clients require (e.g., US GAAP, IFRS, German GAAP).
We are specialists serving foreign and national investment companies with a vocation for Foreign Trade and we prepare ad hoc reports to meet the reporting needs of clients, in English or Spanish, in Mexican pesos, functional currency or any other reporting currency.
Very few firms can offer the services that we offer to our clients.
- Processing in the cloud.
- Remeasurement of financial statements from recording to functional currency.
- Translation of financial statements from functional to reporting currency.
- Multi-currency trial balance (functional, recording and reporting currency).
- Compliance with commercial and fiscal laws.
- Security in access and management by profile.
- Backups and recovery time for emergency situations.
- Ad hoc report.
- Processing capacity in various ERP platforms.
Administrative support services (Back office)
Kreston has the experience of serving foreign and national investment companies with a vocation for Foreign Trade in a variety of sectors that allows it to offer the service of advising and monitoring compliance with tax obligations that affect them.
Whether your company is located in these or other business models in Mexico, we provide support services that allow you to align administrative with accounting task, implementing our platform or using yours in place, but always distinguishing ourselves by assigning an expert Partner who will personally attend to each client.
We design customized solutions for companies that require support without investing in expensive structures and that require a learning curve.
- Billing, SAT invoice cancellation monitoring, issuance and application control of credit notes, SAT payment complements, and other complements.
- Reporting and porfolio reconciliations.
- Preparation of cash flows.
- Uploading of scheduled payment files in the banking portal.
- Daily, weekly, or custom bank and investment reconciliations.
- Management of legal representation before authorities – without joint and several liability -.
- Administration of inventory systems, batch management, instructions to warehouses.
- Linking customs brokers and warehouses in Mexico, review of import accounts, determination of unit cost.
And in the advantages of structure that we offer we have:
- Processing in the cloud.
- Trained personnel.
- Security in access and management by profile.
- Backups and recovery time for emergency situations.
- Ad hoc reporting.