Our services

Human Capital

The strengthening of the Human Capital Area takes on greater value every day due to the constant changes that organizations are undergoing to have a more active participation in making strategic decisions that lead to the achievement of their objectives.

Throughout our experience, we have implemented various tools and methodologies to strengthen the Human Capital Area; some of them with great success and in others discovering areas of opportunity, which has helped us to improve our interventions in these departments.

As Stephen R. Covey mentions in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: “Diagnose Before Prescribing”, some of the services we offer are:

  • Organizational diagnosis: We know the current situation of the organization through written surveys, interviews with staff, background checks and observation.
  • Diagnosis of Work Teams: Based on “The 5 Dysfunctions of the Team” by Patrick Lencioni, it is possible to identify in which area the team is stagnant and work with its members to transform it into a Functional Team, with the same vision and above all that they can work together, taking advantage of their differences and with complete confidence in expressing their points of view.
  • Leadership Diagnosis: The innate abilities of each employee are identified through the DISC methodology (through Cleaver); and through a 360° performance evaluation; also reviewing the background information of the company.
  • Human Capital Diagnosis: Through an audit and through knowledge of the processes that are managed and how to execute them, together with interviews with the staff. With this, we were able to evaluate the impact it has on the organization by identifying its areas of opportunity.

Another important pillar within the Human Capital Area is Personnel Development, since as Jim Collins said: “A great vision without great people is irrelevant”.

  • Business training: either online or face-to-face, topics are exposed according to the needs of the company, using methodologies that stimulate the learning of the participants.
  • Executive Coaching: 3 skills are worked on in a period of 12 weekly sessions, individually, to identify limiting beliefs and provide resources to improve their performance.
  • Team Building: This modality can be applied both for the integration of work teams through dynamics and exercises in which everyone participates randomly; Or, it can be complemented with Team Coaching techniques, which promote the analysis of lived experiences and how they are reflected in the work area, resulting in the creation of a Work Plan in which all participants commit to carry it out, also establishing the follow-up of said commitments.

At all times we have a participation of accompaniment and guidance for the design of strategies and for the achievement of the established objectives.

We have a team of people committed to continuous improvement, who day by day deal with both improving and developing new tools that add value to the processes and strategies for the organization.

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